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CDC/National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

July 2022 Report: Indicators of Workplace Violence - 2019

Using Bureau of Labor Statistics data, this report examines characteristics associated with workplace violence in the United States.

Workplace Violence Prevention Training for Nurses

CDC Course No. WB1865 - NIOSH Pub. No. 2013-15

The purpose of this course is to help healthcare workers better understand the scope and nature of violence in the healthcare workplace. Participants will learn how to recognize the key elements of a comprehensive workplace violence prevention program, how organizational systems impact workplace violence, how to apply individual strategies, and develop skills for preventing and responding to workplace violence. Content is derived from content experts and from the OSHA 2004 Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Health Care & Social Service Workers (OSHA 3148-01R 2004). 2013. 

Violence in Healthcare 

"Violence in Healthcare" is a blog post by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) which discusses how, in the healthcare setting, workplace violence may occur in many forms including: an active shooter, a disruptive patient, or as ongoing incivility from a colleague. The most commonly reported form of violence in healthcare is from a disruptive patient or patient’s family member. March 27, 2015.

Caring for yourself while caring for others - Module 7: Home Care

Tips for safely handling threatening behavior when providing homecare (November 2014)

Participants learn to describe the types of threatening behavior homecare workers may face when working in homes, identify factors that can heighten the risk that threatening behaviors may occur, explain how to manage their own emotions and reactions when threatened, and outline effective strategies to reduce risks and handle threatening situations safely.


NIOSH Fast Facts - Home Healthcare Workers

How to prevent violence on the job (February 2012)

Tips on how employers can help protect healthcare workers in home care settings. Also provides tips on managing violent situations.